Agricultural Marketing Programs Act
Delegated Regulations of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act
The following subordinate legislation were released under the authority of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. Statutory Instruments, including regulations, are concerned with highly specific legislative detail while enabling statutes, like the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act, deal more with general matters or principles for the subject (as in the field of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act) concerned. For more information about regulations, other statutory instruments (IS) and other documents, including statutory orders and regulations (SOR) related to the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act, see here. Research also the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act in the Index of Canadian Regulations, which lists most federal regulations and statutory instruments in force.
Agricultural Marketing Programs Regulations
Alberta Chicken Order
Alberta Egg Marketing Levies Order
Alberta Egg Order
Alberta Hog Marketing Levies Order
Alberta Hog Order
Alberta Milk Order
Alberta Potato Marketing Levies (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Alberta Potato Order
Alberta Turkey Marketing Levies Order
Alberta Turkey Order
British Columbia Chicken Order
British Columbia Cranberry Order
British Columbia Egg Order
British Columbia Hog Order
British Columbia Milk Order
British Columbia Mushroom Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
British Columbia Mushroom Order
British Columbia Tree Fruit Export Regulations
British Columbia Tree Fruit Order
British Columbia Tree Fruit Pooling Regulations
British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board (Interprovincial and Export) Order
British Columbia Turkey Marketing Levies Order
British Columbia Turkey Order
British Columbia Vegetable Marketing Levies Order
British Columbia Vegetable Order
Eastern Townships Wood Producers’ Levies (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Gatineau Region Wood Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Labelle Area Wood Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Lower St. Lawrence Region Wood Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Manitoba Chicken Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Manitoba Chicken Marketing Levies Order
Manitoba Chicken Order
Manitoba Egg Marketing Administration Levies Order
Manitoba Egg Order
Manitoba Hog Marketing Administration Levies (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Manitoba Hog Order
Manitoba Milk Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Manitoba Milk Marketing Levies Order
Manitoba Milk Order
Manitoba Pullet Marketing Administration Levies Order
Manitoba Pullet Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Manitoba Pullet Order
Manitoba Turkey Marketing (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Manitoba Turkey Marketing Levies Order
Manitoba Turkey Order
Manitoba Vegetable Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Manitoba Vegetable Order
New Brunswick Blueberry Order
New Brunswick Egg Order
New Brunswick Hog Marketing Levies (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
New Brunswick Hog Order
New Brunswick Milk Order
New Brunswick Potato Marketing Levies (Interprovincial and Export) Order
New Brunswick Potato Marketing Levies (Interprovincial and Export) Order No. 2
New Brunswick Potato Order
New Brunswick Primary Forest Products Order
New Brunswick Turkey Order
Nova Scotia Chicken Order
Nova Scotia Egg Order
Nova Scotia Hog Order
Nova Scotia Milk Order
Nova Scotia Turkey Marketing Levies Order
Nova Scotia Turkey Order
Nova Scotia Wheat Order
Ontario Apple Order
Ontario Asparagus Growers’ Marketing-for-Processing Order
Ontario Asparagus Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Asparagus Pricing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Bean Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Bean Order
Ontario Berry-for-Processing Order
Ontario Cheese Order
Ontario Chicken Order
Ontario Cream Producers’ Marketing Levies Order
Ontario Egg Marketing Levies Order
Ontario Egg Order
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Licence Charges (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Licensing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Order
Ontario Fresh Grape Information (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Fresh Grape Order
Ontario Fresh Grape Service Charge (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Fresh Potato Order
Ontario Grain Order
Ontario Grapes-for-Processing Marketing Levies Order
Ontario Grapes-for-Processing Order
Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations [Various]
Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Order
Ontario Hog Charges (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Ontario Milk Marketing Levies Order
Ontario Milk Order
Ontario Onion Growers’ Marketing Order
Ontario Onion Order
Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Order
Ontario Soya Bean Marketing Levies Order
Ontario Soya Bean Order
Ontario Tender Fruit Order
Ontario Tender Fruit Service Charge (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations, 1986
Ontario Turkey Marketing Levies Order
Ontario Turkey Order
Ontario Vegetable Growers’ Marketing-for-Processing Order
Ontario Wheat Marketing (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations
Ontario Wheat Order
P.E.I. Vegetable (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations [Various]
Prince Edward Island Cattle Marketing Levies Order
Prince Edward Island Cattle Order
Prince Edward Island Chicken Order
Prince Edward Island Egg Order
Prince Edward Island Hog Marketing Levies Order
Prince Edward Island Hog Order
Prince Edward Island Milk Order
Prince Edward Island Pedigreed Seed Order
Prince Edward Island Potato Marketing Levies Order
Prince Edward Island Potato Order
Prince Edward Island Tobacco Order
Prince Edward Island Vegetable Order
Quebec Apple Growers’ Marketing Order
Quebec Beef Cattle Order
Quebec Beef Cattle Producers’ Levies or Charges (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Quebec Flue-Cured Tobacco Order
Quebec Hog Marketing Levies (Interprovincial and Export Trade Order
Quebec Hog Marketing Order
Quebec Maple Sap and Maple Syrup Order
Quebec Maple Syrup Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Quebec Milk Order
Quebec Sheep and Wool Order
Quebec Turkey Marketing Levies Order
Quebec Turkey Order
Quebec Vegetables for Processing Order
Quebec Wood Order, 1983
Quebec Wood Producers’ Levies (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order
Quebec-South Maple Products Order
Saskatchewan Alfalfa Seed Order
Saskatchewan Broiler Chicken Order
Saskatchewan Canaryseed Order
Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission Levies Order
Saskatchewan Canola Order
Saskatchewan Egg Marketing Levies Order
Saskatchewan Egg Order
Saskatchewan Flax Order
Saskatchewan Forage Seed Order
Saskatchewan Hog (Interprovincial and Export) Regulations [Various]
Saskatchewan Hog Marketing Levies Order
Saskatchewan Hog Order
Saskatchewan Milk Order
Saskatchewan Mustard Order
Saskatchewan Pulse Crop Marketing Levies (Interprovincial and Export) Order
Saskatchewan Pulse Crop Order
Saskatchewan Turkey Marketing Levies Order
Saskatchewan Turkey Order
Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Order
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(2015, 06). Agricultural Marketing Programs Act Retrieved 06, 2017, from |
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This entry was last updated: June 15, 2015
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