Cabinet (government) Canadian Cabinet
The Cabinet in Canada is of the British type. It is formed, on the request of the governor-general, by a prime minister who is a member of the House of Commons and usually the leader of the strongest party in the house. Normally, a Cabinet is formed as the result of a general election, but if a Cabinet resigns, the governor-general may ask the opposition leader in the House of Commons to form a government from the opposition.The prime minister chooses Cabinet ministers from members of the Canadian Parliament, largely from the House of Commons. Most ministers serve as heads of the executive departments of the federal government. Provincial cabinets are similarly formed and organized. (1)
Cabinet in Canada
Definition of Cabinet
Cabinet meaning or descrpition: committee of ministers that holds executive power and is responsible for passing legislation; the Cabinet is chaired by the prime minister or the premier of the province, and the members are ministers who have been elected and hold seats in either the House of Commons (federal government) or the legislature (provincial governments))
See Also
Cabinet in French
In the French language, Cabinet means: Cabinet (there is related information on Cabinet in the legal Encyclopedia in French, about Canadian law, French law and other legal systems – the link is to the Encyclopedia).
Notes and References
See Also
Law is our Passion
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- Article Name: Cabinet
- Author: E. Encyclopedia
- Description: Cabinet (government) Canadian Cabinet The Cabinet in Canada is of the British type. It is formed, on the request of the [...]
This entry was last updated: March 14, 2017