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The Canadian Abridgment
Contents of the Canadian Abridgment, 3rd ed.
- ABL Aboriginal law
- BUS Business associations
- CNL Constitutional law
- EDU Education law
- EVD Evidence
- HUM Human rights
- ITL International law
- MAR Maritime and admiralty law
- PER Personal property
- REA Real property
- STS Statutes
- ADM Administrative law
- CIV Civil practice and procedure
- CNT Construction law
- ENV Environmental law
- FAM Family law
- IMM Immigration and citizenship
- ITR International trade and customs
- MOT Motor vehicles
- PPS Personal property security
- REL Religious institutions
- TAX Tax
- ADR Alternative dispute resolution
- CML Commercial law
- CON Contracts
- EQU Equity
- FNL Financial institutions
- INF Information technology
- JDG Judges and courts
- MUN Municipal law
- PRI Privacy and freedom of information
- REM Remedies
- TIM Time
- BKY Bankruptcy and insolvency
- CMN Communications law
- CRM Criminal law
- EST Estates and trusts
- GTY Guarantee and indemnity
- INS Insurance
- LAB Labour and employment law
- NAT Natural resources
- PRO Professions and occupations
- RST Restitution and unjust enrichment
- TOR Torts
- BIL Bills of exchange and negotiable instruments
- CNF Conflict of laws
- DCR Debtors and creditors
- ETL Estoppel
- HLT Health law
- IPY Intellectual property
- LWE Law enforcement agencies
- PEN Pensions
- PUB Public law
- SEC Securities
- TSP Transportation
Contents of the Canadian Abridgment, 2nd ed.(1966 to 2007)
Contents of the Canadian Abridgment, 1st ed.(1935 to 1974)
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