Category Archives: B


Bankrupt in Canada


This section offers an overview of Bankrupt under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.

Concept of Bankrupt in Ontario

This section provides the essential definition of Bankrupt relevant or under the laws of Ontario: Insolvent and involved in a proceeding to become bankrupt or against whom a creditor has started a proceeding to put them into bankruptcy. Can be used to refer to apply to the person in this position.


Barrister in Canada


This section offers an overview of Barrister under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.

Concept of Barrister in Ontario

This section provides the essential definition of Barrister relevant or under the laws of Ontario: Popularly used to mean lawyers who appear in court to argue cases. In Canada (except Quebec), all lawyers are barristers and solicitors. In England and other countries, historically barristers attended court while solicitors did not.


Bridge in Canada

The Bridge in University Research

Concept of the Bridge in relation to legal research and research in general: Online tool used to access employee information; library privileges; and benefit and deduction, job, pay, direct deposit and T4 information. It also provides access to Financial Services tools and reports.


See Also


Binding in Canada

Definition of Binding

Binding meaning or descrpition: requiring a lower court to follow a precedent from a higher court in the same jurisdiction (see also stare decisis) (Source of this concept of Binding:


This section offers an overview of Binding under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.

Concept of Binding in Ontario

This section provides the essential definition of Binding relevant or under the laws of Ontario: Mandatory

When applied to a court decision or order, required to be followed in cases with similar circumstances.