Category Archives: K

Knowledge of Rules

Knowledge of Rules in Canada

Knowledge of Rules in Canada

The following is a definition of Knowledge of Rules : Target group familiarity with policies, laws and regulations. – Netherlands checklist (PCO)


See Also

Knowledge of Rules in French

In the French language, Knowledge of Rules means: Connaissance des régles (there is definition of Connaissance des régles in the legal Encyclopedia in French, about Canadian law, French law and other legal systems – the link is to the Encyclopedia).

Keynesian Economics

Keynesian Economics in Canada

Keynesian Economics

Definition of Keynesian Economics by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book “Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches”) in the context of political science in Canada: An economic theory first enunciated by John Maynard Keynes that to promote general economic stability, government should counterbalance the private sector, spending (running deficit budgets) in periods of unemployment when the private sector doesn’t spend, and taxing (running a budget surplus) in periods of inflation when the private sector is spending too much.


See Also

  • Politics
  • Political Science

King–byng Dispute

King–byng Dispute in Canada

King–byng Dispute

Definition of King–byng Dispute by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book “Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches”) in the context of political science in Canada: The dispute in 1926 between Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Governor General Lord Byng over King’s request for a dissolution of Parliament, which Byng denied.


See Also

  • Politics
  • Political Science

Keep the Peace

Keep the Peace in Canada

Keep the Peace

This section offers an overview of Keep the Peace under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.

Concept of Keep the Peace in Ontario

This section provides the essential definition of Keep the Peace relevant or under the laws of Ontario: To prevent or avoid breaches of the peace, such as acts of violence or other acts prohibited by law.

Komagata Maru

Komagata Maru in Canada

Definition of Komagata Maru

The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Komagata Maru: The name of a ship chartered by a group of Sikhs and used to sail to Vancouver, Canada, in anticipation of immigration being granted. At the time of its sailing, 1914, Indians could only come to Canada if they sailed continuously (or directly) from India to Canada, although there were no such regular routes. All others were to be prohibited entry to Canada, a method to restrict immigration of people from the Indian sub-continent. The Komagata Maru sailed from Hong Kong with 376 Punjabis on board. On arrival at the port of Vancouver they were denied entry and were kept on board for two months while negotiations proceeded. These negotiations eventually failed and the ship returned to Calcutta where 20 of the passengers were killed in clashes with authorities who were suspicious of the politics of the travellers.

Komagata Maru: Resources

Notes and References

  1. Drislane, R., & Parkinson, G. (2016). (Concept of) Komagata Maru. Online dictionary of the social sciences. Open University of Canada