Void in Canada
Definition of Null and Void
Null and Void meaning or descrpition: of no force, validity, or effect (Source of this concept of Null and Void: emp.ca/books/468-7 and emp.ca/books/385-7)
Null and Void meaning or descrpition: of no force, validity, or effect (Source of this concept of Null and Void: emp.ca/books/468-7 and emp.ca/books/385-7)
Voidable Contract meaning or descrpition: a contract that may be avoided or declared void at the option of one party to the contract; once it is declared invalid no further rights can be obtained under it, but benefits obtained before the declaration are not forfeit (Source of this concept of Voidable Contract: emp.ca/books/468-7 and emp.ca/books/385-7)
Voidable meaning or descrpition: may be declared void but is otherwise not void (Source of this concept of Voidable: emp.ca/books/279-9)
Vicarious Admission meaning or descrpition: an admission made by an authorized speaker for a party (Source of this concept of Vicarious Admission: emp.ca/books/163-1)
Volenti Non Fit Injuria meaning or descrpition: (Latin) “no harm is done to someone who is willing”; a true defence that negates the defendant’s liability based on the plaintiff’s understanding and acceptance of the risks (Source of this concept of Volenti Non Fit Injuria: emp.ca/books/468-7)
Voucher meaning or descrpition: acknowledgment of receipt of payment (Source of this concept of Voucher: emp.ca/books/381-9)
This section offers an overview of Victim Surcharge under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.
This section provides the essential definition of Victim Surcharge relevant or under the laws of Ontario: An offender who is convicted or discharged of an offence under the Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, or Provincial Offences Act, must pay a victim surcharge in addition to any other punishment imposed on the offender, unless the court exempts the offender from paying.
This section offers an overview of Victim Surcharge under the Canadian law.