Category Archives: W

Workers Compensation Definition

Workers Compensation Definition in Canada

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White Paper

White Paper in Canada

Concept of White Paper

A definition of White Paper may be the following: An official government report: in many countries, an official report setting out government policy on a particular issue to be voted on by the country’s legislature (Encarta World English Dictionary, 1999, p. 785). See also Green paper.

Women At Risk Program

Women At Risk Program in Canada

Definition of Women at Risk Program

Women at Risk Program meaning or descrpition: a program to resettle women who are members of the Convention refugees abroad class or humanitarian-protected persons abroad class (Source of this concept of Women at Risk Program:

White Paper on Indians

White Paper on Indians in Canada

White Paper on Indians

Definition of White Paper on Indians by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book “Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches”) in the context of political science in Canada: The 1969 Trudeau–Chrétien policy proposal to do away with the Indian Act and fully integrate Aboriginals into Canadian society.


See Also

  • Politics
  • Political Science


Whig in Canada

Definition of Whig

The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Whig: A member of the Whig political party. A term originating in the 17th century in Britain and referring to that party, supported largely by the new commercial interests, which defended the power of Parliament against royal prerogatives and thus encouraged the democratic revolution in Britain. The term was transplanted to the American colonies and referred to the supporters of independence from Britain. An American Whig political party was formed and it remained a major party until the 1850’s when it was succeeded by the Republic party. The term has had little currency in Canada, although the Whig ideal of popular parliamentary government was a strong force in 19th century Canadian politics. See: LIBERALISM related information in this encyclopedia, in the legal dictionary or in the world encyclopedia of law.

Whig: Resources

Notes and References

  1. Drislane, R., & Parkinson, G. (2016). (Concept of) Whig. Online dictionary of the social sciences. Open University of Canada

Witness Panel

Witness Panel in Canada

Definition of Witness Panel

Witness Panel meaning or descrpition: a format used in a proceeding to permit simultaneous examination and cross-examination of two or more witnesses (Source of this concept of Witness Panel:

Witness Statement

Witness Statement in Canada

Definition of Witness Statement

Witness Statement meaning or descrpition: a written statement provided by a party to other parties or to a court or tribunal, or both, setting out the expected evidence of a person the party expects to call as a witness; also known informally as a “will say” (Source of this concept of Witness Statement: