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Commission of Government
In Newfoundland History: Documents
Staggering under the weight of its accumulated debt, Newfoundland gave up self-government in 1934, and until Confederation in 1949 was ruled by an appointed Commission of Government.
- Report of the Royal Commission on Newfoundland, 1933: Commonly known as the Amulree report, it recommended the suspension of self-government and the creation of a Commission of Government to administer the affairs of Newfoundland and Labrador until self-government could, at the request of the people, be restored.
- Address of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, 1933: Struggling under the weight of a heavy debt, the Government of Newfoundland requested that self-government be suspended until the ‘Island’ could again be self-supporting.
- The Newfoundland Act, 1933: Authorized the suspension of the Letters Patent of 1876 and 1905 and provided for the finances of Newfoundland.
- Letters Patent, 1934: Suspended Responsible Government and instituted a Commission of Government to administer Newfoundland.
- Instructions to the Governor, 1934: Instructions to Admiral Sir David M. Anderson, Governor of Newfoundland at the institution of the Commission of Government.
- Proclamation of the Governor, 1934: Proclaimed into force the Letters Patent of January 30th, 1934.
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