Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws


Canadian Legal Encyclopedias

Legal encyclopedias are a useful starting point for research since they provide a quick and current overview of the law. Encyclopedias organize and summarize the law by subject, and provide references to relevant primary sources.

Canadian Encyclopedic Digest

In Canada, there is only one legal encyclopedia: the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest (C.E.D.), which is published by Carswell. There are, however, two versions of the encyclopedia. The Ontario edition (Dig. Can. A2 C42) is bound in green. The Western edition (Dig. Can. A2 C44), which covers the four Western provinces, is bound in brown.

Composition of the C.E.D

Key and Research Guide

The key is a useful starting point for entry into the main work. The Key provides the following indexes:

The C.E.D. on CD-ROM employs the Folio system. It consolidates the Ontario and Western editions, and incorporates supplements directly into the text.

Other Secondary Legal Sources


See Also

Secondary Sources