Federal Legislation
Legislation Online Resources
- Statutes and Regulations:Statutes and Regulations Senate and House Bills, Progress of Legislation and Coming into Force Information.
- Gazettes:Canada Gazette.
- Hansard:House of Commons Debates (searchable from 39th Parl.).
- Orders in Council:Orders in Council.
- Government and Legislative Assembly Sites:Government of Canada:
- Courts:Supreme Court of Canada
- Statutes and Regulations:RSC 1970 .
- Hansard:Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada.
- Orders in Council:Historical Orders in Council (1867-1924).
- Government and Legislative Assembly Sites:House of Commons & Senate:
- Courts:SCC case information .
- Gazettes:Part I
- Statutes and Regulations:Older Statutes.
- Gazettes:Part II.
- Hansard:House of Commons Debates with linked indices (from 35th Parl.) .
- Courts:Federal Court of Canada .
- Bills:. Gazettes:Part III .
- Hansard:House of Commons Debates 1867-1870 .
- Courts:FC case information .
- Gazettes:Historical Gazettes .
- Hansard:Senate Debates (from 35th Parl.) .
- Courts:Tax Court of Canada .
- Hansard:Senate Debates 1867-1871 .
- Courts:TC case information
For public notice of First Nation laws and by-laws, see the First Nations Gazette.
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Legal Citations Generator(2016, 04). Federal Legislation lawi.ca Retrieved 06, 2017, from https://lawi.ca/ |
"Federal Legislation" lawi.ca. 04 2016. 06 2017 <https://lawi.ca/> |
"Federal Legislation" lawi.ca. lawi.ca, 04 2016. Web. 06 2017. <https://lawi.ca/> |
"Federal Legislation" lawi.ca. 04, 2016. Accesed 06 2017. https://lawi.ca/ |
International, 'Federal Legislation' (lawi.ca 2016) <https://lawi.ca/> accesed 2017 June 18 |
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This entry was last updated: April 22, 2016