Census Canadian Censuses Modern Censuses
The Canadian census first used the technique of sampling in the 1941 census, gathering additional information on housing from one household in ten. In 1956 it introduced a quinquennial census (a census conducted every five years). Censuses were conducted by personal interview until 1971, when households were asked to fill in their own questionnaires. In the 1996 census, 98 percent of households mailed back their census questionnaire; only 2 percent of households were enumerated by personal interview. In the 1990s, the Canadian census began adjusting its results to correct for people who were missed or counted twice in the census. The adjustment is based on studies conducted after the census that examine samples of households and people and determine if they were counted accurately.
Federal law in Canada requires the government to conduct censuses of population and agriculture every five years. These censuses are conducted in years ending in 1 and years ending in 6. Questions about housing are incorporated into the population census. An annual survey of manufactures collects information on more than 200 different industries in Canada. (1)
- Census
- Census Information
- Census Conducting
- Census Planning
- Census Information Collection
- Census Processing and Analysis of Data
- Census Publication of Results
- Census in the U.S.
- U.S. Censuses Origins
- U.S. Early Censuses
- United States: Censuses Breakthroughs in Automation
- Modern Censuses in the United States
- Census in Canada
- Early Censuses in Canada
- Modern Censuses in Canada
Notes and References
See Also
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Legal Citations Generator(2014, 03). Modern Censuses lawi.ca Retrieved 06, 2017, from https://lawi.ca/ |
"Modern Censuses" lawi.ca. 03 2014. 06 2017 <https://lawi.ca/> |
"Modern Censuses" lawi.ca. lawi.ca, 03 2014. Web. 06 2017. <https://lawi.ca/> |
"Modern Censuses" lawi.ca. 03, 2014. Accesed 06 2017. https://lawi.ca/ |
E. Encyclopedia, 'Modern Censuses' (lawi.ca 2014) <https://lawi.ca/> accesed 2017 June 9 |
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- Article Name: Modern Censuses
- Author: E. Encyclopedia
- Description: Census Canadian Censuses Modern Censuses,The Canadian census first used the technique of sampling in the 1941 census, [...]
This entry was last updated: March 23, 2014