Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws

Ontario Regulations

Ontario Regulations

Ontario regulations are governed by the Regulations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.21. This act defines what constitutes subordinate legislation as well as stipulating that there must be statutory authorization for every regulation in the form of an enabling statute.

Research of Ontario Regulations

How To Find An Ontario Regulation in Print

1. Consult the Table of Regulations for a Citation (Official Method)

2. Locate the Regulation

3. Update Through the Ontario Regulations Service

See Also:

4. Final Update: Check The Most Recent Issues of The Ontario Gazette

Finding Ontario Regulations Using Quicklaw

The Ontario Regulations database is very good for finding regulation names and numbers It works in the same way as the Canadian Regulations. Similarly, there are two main methods for searching this database: one may browse through lists of act and regulation titles to find legislation or one may perform a specific search through these titles. Both methods are effective.

It is also possible to search this database for the occurrence of specific terms. To run such a search select unique words from your topic.

Browse Alphabetical Lists of Act Titles

Search by Regulation Number

Note: Quicklaw’s regulations databases does not include repealed regulations. If you are looking for a regulation no longer in effect, you might have to use paper or a “repealed regulation” database.

The Internet and Ontario Regulations

The government of Ontario’s legislative website, E-Laws, contains a number of tools for researching legislation, including a database of Acts with their associated regulations, annual consolidations of regulations, and repealed regulations.

Ontario Regulations

In the same way that regulations made under federal statutes are published in Part II of the Canada Gazette , regulations made under the authority of provincial statutes are published in the official Gazettes of the provinces. The mode of publication varies among the provinces, with most (Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, P.E.I., Quebec, and Saskatchewan) following the federal format of using a separate part of the Gazette for regulations. Manitoba publishes its regulations on pages that are part of the Manitoba Gazette , but are numbered separately. Ontario regulations are printed at the back of each issue of the Ontario Gazette . The remainder of this section on provincial regulations is limited to a discussion of Ontario regulations.

Ontario publishes annual volumes of new regulations, Ontario Regulations , cited O. Reg. These are re-prints of the Ontario Gazette in which the regulations first appeared. Each year’s volumes contain a Table of Regulations which lists alphabetically, under the appropriate enabling Act, all regulations in force at the time of publication. The Table shows whether the regulation was published in the last consolidation of regulations or whether it appeared in a later year.

O. Reg. 621/92 refers to the six hundred and twenty-first regulation made in 1992. Since regulations are published consecutively, it can easily be located in O. Reg. 1992.

Every ten years all regulations and their amendments are consolidated and published in the Revised Regulations of Ontario , cited R.R.O. The most recent consolidation is the R.R.O. 1990, which includes all regulations made before January 1, 1991. There are also three supplementary volumes to the R.R.O. 1990 that contain regulations made after December 31, 1990 and before the Revised Regulations were proclaimed to be in force (November 16, 1992). These supplements may contain entirely new regulations, amend existing ones, or they may revoke those previously in force.

It should be noted that in some cases long schedules and legal descriptions in the original regulations have been left out of the R.R.O. and its supplements. However, these are clearly cross-referenced to the appropriate volume of the Ontario Gazette.

In the Revised Regulations of Ontario , the regulations are ordered alphabetically under their enabling acts. Each volume includes a Table of Contents for the complete revision, a copy of which is also published at the end of each sessional volume of the Statutes of Ontario .

An Ontario regulation comes into effect on the day it is filed, which is noted beneath the title of the regulation.

Locating Ontario Regulations

Given the title of the enabling Act:

From this point on, there are two methods:

Method 1: Statutes of Ontario/ Ontario Gazette:

Method 2: Carswell’s Ontario Regulations Service: