Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws

Ontario Statutes

Ontario Statutes

Locating an Ontario Statute

Provincial statutes are published in annual volumes and are later consolidated into revised volumes. The following material refers specifically to the Statutes of Ontario and may not be directly applicable to the organization of the statutes of other provinces.

The Statutes of Ontario , cited S.O., are the annual volumes of statutes enacted by the Ontario legislature. Each statute is a chapter, and chapter numbers are assigned consecutively as the new statutes are given royal assent. Although the Statutes of Ontario continue to be referred to as “sessional volumes,” the term is in fact a misnomer, since the bound volumes are published at the end of each calendar year, which generally does not coincide with the conclusion of a session of the legislature.

The Revised Statutes of Ontario, cited R.S.O., include the revisions and amendments and new enactments since the previous revision. The statutes are renumbered and re-enacted. The R.S.O. 1990 has been in force since January 1, 1992.

The rest of this section explains how to find an Ontario statute.

Given the title of the statute, you should then:

Given the subject matter only:

Updating Ontario Statutes

Like the federal statutes, there are two ways of updating Ontario statutes: official and unofficial. The official method (using the “Table of Public Statutes”) is the same, as described above for updating federal statutes. The unofficial method of updating Ontario statutes is described below:

Note: If your statute was amended by a recent act that has not yet been published in a volume of the annual statutes you may look for the third reading of the bill for that act. To find the correct bill number, check in the Provincial Legislative Record (on reserve) for all current public government bills from the most recent session of the thirteen provincial and territorial legislatures.