Citation Notes
The Consolidated Regulations of Canada is a consolidation of important federal regulations. There have been five consolidations to date (in 1874, 1889, 1949, 1955 and 1978).
This section offers an overview of Regulation under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.
Concept of Regulation in Ontario
This section provides the essential definition of Regulation relevant or under the laws of Ontario: Delegated legislation made by the government, not the legislature. Regulations are a form of law.
Regulation in Canada
The following is a definition of Regulation: 1. Government intervention through a set of rules that identify permissible and impermissible activity on the part of individuals, firms, government departments and agencies, along with accompanying sanctions and rewards. – PCO
2. The diverse set of instruments by which governments set requirements on enterprises and citizens. Regulation include all laws, formal and informal orders, subordinate rules, administrative formalities and rules issued by nongovernmental or self-regulatory bodies to whom governments have delegated regulatory powers. – OECD
See Also
Regulation in French
In the French language, Regulation means: Réglementation (there is definition of Réglementation in the legal Encyclopedia in French, about Canadian law, French law and other legal systems – the link is to the Encyclopedia).