Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws



Citation Notes

Only federal Canadian reports are authorised. Those series are: (Court Abbreviation and Years in brackets): Supreme Court of Canada (SCR 1876); Canadian Federal Courts (FC 1971); Exchequer Court of Canada (Ex CR 1875-1970).

Semi-official provincial report series are published under the auspices of a provincial law society or Bar association. Commonly cited semi-official state report series include the AR, BCR, Nfld & PEIR, NWTR, OR, RJQ and YR (or various series of them).

S. 44(1) Report

Reports on Plans and Priorities (rpp) in Canada

The following is a definition of Reports on Plans and Priorities (rpp) : As part of the Main Estimates, the RPPs provide information on departmental plans and expected performance over a three-year period. These reports are tabled in Parliament each spring, after resource allocation deliberations. They inelude information on the department or agency's mission or mándate, strategic outeomes, strategies, plans and performance targets. – TBS

Departmental Performance Reports (dpr) in Canada

The following is a definition of Departmental Performance Reports (dpr) : Departmental Performance Reports (DPRs), tabled in the fall of each year by the President of Treasury Board on behalf of all federal departments and agencies named in Schedule 1, 1.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act, are part of the Estimates and Supply process. Their fundamental purpose is to present a report on results and accomplishments as established in the corresponding Reports on Plans and Priorities (RPP) in orderto provide Parliamentarians with knowledge and understanding of the government's stewardship of public resources. – TBS


See Also

Departmental Performance Reports (dpr) in French

In the French language, Departmental Performance Reports (dpr) means: Rapports ministériels sur le rendement (RMR) (there is definition of Rapports ministériels sur le rendement (RMR) in the legal Encyclopedia in French, about Canadian law, French law and other legal systems – the link is to the Encyclopedia).


See Also

Reports on Plans and Priorities (rpp) in French

In the French language, Reports on Plans and Priorities (rpp) means: Rapports sur les plans et les priorités (RPP) (there is definition of Rapports sur les plans et les priorités (RPP) in the legal Encyclopedia in French, about Canadian law, French law and other legal systems – the link is to the Encyclopedia).


See Also

inadmissibility report