Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws

Risk Management

Risk Management in Canada

Risk Management in Canada

The following is a definition of Risk Management : Systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, assessing, understanding, making decisions on and communicating risk issues. – TBRisk and Compliance Management entries in this Canada legal encyclopedia address the growing awareness in organizations of their legal risks and of the pressing need for diligent risk management in Canada. Subjects covered include: definitions, laws, standards and guidelines; principal regulatory and enforcement bodies; risk and compliance governance obligations for the private and public sector; Canada administrative and regulatory consequences for deficiencies; senior management civil and criminal liability for breach of obligations; corporate compliance defense; recent cases of risk and compliance management failures.


See Also

Risk Management1 in French

In the French language, Risk Management1 means: Gestión du risque (there is definition of Gestión du risque in the legal Encyclopedia in French, about Canadian law, French law and other legal systems – the link is to the Encyclopedia).

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