Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws

Statutory Instruments Act

Statutory Instruments Act

The Statutory Instruments Act official enactment is available here:
Statutory Instruments Act

Meaning in Canada

As stated by the Canada´s Interpretation Act, which provides rules for the interpretation of legislation,

Expired and replaced legislations

Legislation (or piece of legislation) that has been replaced is repealed and legislation (or piece of legislation) that has expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased to have effect is deemed to have been repealed.

Act Application

Every provision of an Act applies, unless a contrary intention appears, to every legislation, whether enacted before or after the commencement of this Act.

Delegated Regulations of the Statutory Instruments Act

The following subordinate legislation were released under the authority of the Statutory Instruments Act. Statutory Instruments, including regulations, are concerned with highly specific legislative detail while enabling statutes, like the Statutory Instruments Act, deal more with general matters or principles for the subject (as in the field of the Statutory Instruments Act) concerned. For more information about regulations, other statutory instruments (IS) and other documents, including statutory orders and regulations (SOR) related to the Statutory Instruments Act, see here. Research also the Statutory Instruments Act in the Index of Canadian Regulations, which lists most federal regulations and statutory instruments in force.