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Entries Labeled: DI (62)


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List of entries about DI

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In this label about di (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:


Corruption in Canada General Information on Corruption The Canadian legal system has lagged in its response to foreign corruption. Corrupt acts committed by Canadians outside Canada were not criminalized until the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA)1 was enacted in 1999. Even […]

Categories: , A, C, Criminal Law, D, F, G, I, L, P, R, S, and Uncategorized. Tags: AC, AD, AI, AR, AS, AU, AV, BA, Book Corruption on International Contracts, CL, CO, DI, EC, EL, EQ, EX, FI, FO, FU, GA, HE, LI, LO, ME, MI, OI, PE, PO, PR, PU, RI, SH, ST, TA, TE, and TR.


Definition of Diarize Diarize meaning or descrpition: record on a calendar the dates by which work must be completed (Source of this concept of Diarize:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Digital Signature

Definition of Digital Signature Digital Signature meaning or descrpition: unique digital identifiers comparable to a password or bank PIN used by lawyers when documents are registered electronically (Source of this concept of Digital Signature:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Direct Cost

Direct Cost in University Research Concept of Direct Cost in relation to legal research and research in general: Those costs that can be specifically identified with and directly benefit a particular project, program, or activity. For example, salaries and benefits, travel, equipment, […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and University Research.

Direct Discrimination

Definition of Direct Discrimination Direct Discrimination meaning or descrpition: discrimination resulting from a standard that is discriminatory on its face, rather than from a standard that is neutral on its face but has a discriminatory effect; see alsoadverse effect discrimination (Source […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Direct Evidence

This section offers an overview of Direct Evidence under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Direct Evidence in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Direct Evidence relevant or under the laws of Ontario: DIRECT EXAMINATION This […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Direct Examination

Definition of Direct Examination Direct Examination meaning or descrpition: questioning of a witness by the advocate of the party who called that witness;see examination-in-chief (Source of this concept of Direct Examination: and and […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Direct Intent

Definition of Direct Intent Direct Intent meaning or descrpition: done with conscious purpose (Source of this concept of Direct Intent:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Direct Taxes

Definition of Direct Taxes by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: A category of taxation that can be used by either level of government to extract money from the very person or corporation that […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.

Directed Verdict

Definition of Directed Verdict Directed Verdict meaning or descrpition: the judge directs that the accused be acquitted because the Crown has not made a prima facie case (Source of this concept of Directed Verdict:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Direction Direction meaning or descrpition: a document or order telling someone to do something (Source of this concept of Direction:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Directors Directors meaning or descrpition: individuals responsible for managing the business and affairs of a corporation for the benefit of the shareholders (Source of this concept of Directors:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Directory Act

Concept of Directory Act A definition of Directory Act may be the following: A statute which is a mere direction or instruction of no obligatory force and involving no invalidating consequence for its disregard (The Dictionary of English Law by Earl Jowitt, 1959, p. 633).

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Disallowance by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: A power given to the federal government in the Constitution Act, 1867, but now long obsolete, under which the prime minister and […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.

Disallowed Cost

Disallowed Cost in University Research Concept of Disallowed Cost in relation to legal research and research in general: Charges to a grant or contract that the sponsoring agency determines to be unallowable in accordance to the terms and conditions contained in the award. Resources See Also

Categories: D. Tags: DI and University Research.


Definition of Disbursements Disbursements meaning or descrpition: amounts for out-of-pocket expenses (e.g., courier charges) paid out by the law office on its own account to third parties on behalf of a client (Source of this concept of Disbursements: and […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


This section offers an overview of Discharge under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Discharge in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Discharge relevant or under the laws of Ontario: A release from obligation when a legal duty […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Discharge of Charge

Definition of Discharge of Charge Discharge of Charge meaning or descrpition: a document given by the chargee to the chargor confirming that the loan has been paid in full and extinguishing the chargee's interest in the property (Source of this concept of Discharge of Charge:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Discharge of Lien

Definition of Discharge of Lien Discharge of Lien meaning or descrpition: document registered on title that discharges a construction lien (Source of this concept of Discharge of Lien:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Discharged Discharged meaning or descrpition: released, extinguished; a discharge of a contract occurs when the parties have complied with their obligations or other events have occurred that release one or both parties from performing their obligations (Source of this concept of […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Disclosure Disclosure meaning or descrpition: the release of documents to the opposing side (and sometimes to the tribunal) prior to a proceeding; in criminal law, the documentation that the prosecutor will be relying on to prove the charges against the defendant (Source of this […]

Categories: D and Family Law. Tags: Arbitral Proceedings, Arbitration Rules, and DI.

Disclosure by Arbitrators

Disclosure by Arbitrators in Arbitration Rules In relation to arbitration rules and, more specifically, to Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal in the arbitration law of Canada, the following is an overview of disclosure by arbitrators .

Categories: D. Tags: Arbitration Rules, Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, and DI.

Disclosure Statement

Definition of Disclosure Statement (condominium) Disclosure Statement (condominium) meaning or descrpition: document given to every purchaser of a condominium unit that includes details pertaining to the physical, legal, and financial aspects of the condominium corporation (Source of this […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Discontinuance in British Columbia The following is a concept of discontinuance under the law of British Columbia: The termination of a lawsuit by the plaintiff or petitioner using a document called a notice of discontinuance.

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Document-Related.

Discoverability Rule

Definition of Discoverability Rule Discoverability Rule meaning or descrpition: a rule that allows plaintiffs in some cases to sue outside the limitation period where the plaintiff lacked the information necessary to alert him or her to the existence of a claim prior to the expiry of the […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


This section offers an overview of Discovery under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Discovery in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Discovery relevant or under the laws of Ontario: There are compulsory discovery rules by which […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Discovery of Documents

Discovery of Documents in British Columbia The following is a concept of discovery of documents under the law of British Columbia: Disclosure by the parties (to each other) of information and documents that relate to the lawsuit. Documents can be photographs, films, sound recordings, any […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Document-Related.

Discovery Process

Discovery Process in British Columbia The following is a concept of discovery process under the law of British Columbia: The way the parties in an action started by writ of summons and statement of claim discover what happened in the case. It allows the parties to collect information in order […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Document-Related.


Definition of Discretion Discretion meaning or descrpition: the power and/or freedom of a government official or agency to independently choose or craft a remedy from among a variety of options available under the law (Source of this concept of Discretion: and

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Discretionary Discretionary meaning or descrpition: where an action or remedy is discretionary, the court may make up its own mind about a particular matter, giving due regard to all relevant factors (Source of this concept of Discretionary:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Discretionary Bench Warrant

This section offers an overview of Discretionary Bench Warrant under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Discretionary Bench Warrant in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Discretionary Bench Warrant relevant or under the laws of […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Discrimination Discrimination meaning or descrpition: treating a person or group differently or negatively, based on a prohibited ground of discrimination under the Human Rights Code (Source of this concept of Discrimination:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Executive Disengagement The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Executive Disengagement: The custom by which lower level employees assume that executives are best left uninformed of certain decisions and actions of employees, or the […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Social Science.


This section offers an overview of Dismissal under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Dismissal in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Dismissal relevant or under the laws of Ontario: A judicial officer's decision to […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Dismissed Dismissed meaning or descrpition: a final decision by a justice that there is not enough evidence to support a conviction against the defendant (Source of this concept of Dismissed:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


This section offers an overview of Disposition under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Disposition in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Disposition relevant or under the laws of Ontario: A judicial officer's decision. (see […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Disposition Clause

Definition of Disposition Clause Disposition Clause meaning or descrpition: instructions regarding how an estate is to be distributed among the beneficiaries (Source of this concept of Disposition Clause:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Dispute Dispute meaning or descrpition: an argument or disagreement between two or more sides in which the interest of one side is in direct opposition to the interest of another side (Source of this concept of Dispute:

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution in Canada Concept of Dispute Resolution (Family Law) The following is a definition of dispute resolution under Canadian law, in relation to family law: The process in which two people work through their family law issues with a trained professional, like a mediator. Meant to […]

Categories: , A, C, D, Family Law, G, P, R, and S. Tags: AC, AD, AI, AR, AU, AV, CL, CO, DI, EC, EQ, EX, FO, LI, LO, OI, RI, SH, TA, TE, and TR.

Dispute-settlement Mechanism

Definition of Dispute-settlement Mechanism by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: A clause in the Canada–U.S. Free Trade Agreement designed to settle such trade disputes as might arise under the […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.


Definition of Dissent Dissent meaning or descrpition: a written statement of an adjudicator's disagreement with the decision of the majority of adjudicators on a court or tribunal panel, usually setting out the reasons why the adjudicator would have reached a different decision (Source of […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Quorum/Dissents in Arbitration Rules In relation to arbitration rules and, more specifically, to Arbitral Decisions/Awards in the arbitration law of Canada, the following is an overview of quorum/dissents.

Categories: D. Tags: Arbitral Decisions/Awards, Arbitration Rules, and DI.

Dissolution of Parliament

Definition of Dissolution of Parliament by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: The ending of a Parliament, usually after four to five years, by calling an election, an act normally in the hands […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.

Distinct Society

Definition of Distinct Society by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: A controversial description of Quebec, found in the Meech Lake Accord and slightly modified in the Charlottetown Accord, […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.


Definition of Distress Distress meaning or descrpition: a traditional remedy under which a person in possession of the goods of another can seize and/or sell those goods as compensation for a wrong (Source of this concept of Distress: and

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


This section offers an overview of Diversion under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Diversion in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Diversion relevant or under the laws of Ontario: In criminal law, removal of a case from the […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.


Definition of Division by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: A formal standing, roll-call vote in the House of Commons in which members' names are recorded in Hansard. Resources See Also […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.

Division of Powers

Definition of Division of Powers by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches) in the context of political science in Canada: The distribution of legislative powers between the federal and provincial governments, largely contained in sections 91 […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI and Political Science.

Division of Property

This section offers an overview of Division of Property under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Division of Property in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Division of Property relevant or under the laws of Ontario: In family […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.

Divisional Court

This section offers an overview of Divisional Court under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences. Concept of Divisional Court in Ontario This section provides the essential definition of Divisional Court relevant or under the laws of Ontario: The Divisional Court is […]

Categories: D. Tags: DI.