Tag Archives: SU

Supreme Court Act

Supreme Court Act in Canada

Supreme Court Act

Definition of Supreme Court Act by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book “Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches”) in the context of political science in Canada: The 1875 law of the Canadian Parliament that provided for the Supreme Court of Canada and that serves as a legal base for the institution in the absence of further constitutional entrenchment.


See Also

  • Politics
  • Political Science

Substantive Criminal Law

Substantive Criminal Law in Canada

Definition of Substantive Criminal Law

Substantive Criminal Law meaning or descrpition: also called “offences,” the crimes themselves (Source of this concept of Substantive Criminal Law: emp.ca/books/468-7)

Supervision Order

Supervision Order in Canada

Supervision Order

This section offers an overview of Supervision Order under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.

Concept of Supervision Order in Ontario

This section provides the essential definition of Supervision Order relevant or under the laws of Ontario: In child protection cases, an order that the child is either placed with or returned to a parent or another person for between three and twelve months, and the children’s aid society supervises the family.

Supervision Order

This section offers an overview of Supervision Order under the Canadian law.


See Also

  1. Order


Surcharge in Canada


This section offers an overview of Surcharge under Canadian law, reporting on the provincial jurisdiction differences.

Concept of Surcharge in Ontario

This section provides the essential definition of Surcharge relevant or under the laws of Ontario: An additional or extra charge. A charge upon a charge.


Subcultures in Canada


Definition of Subcultures by Rand Dyck and Christopher Cochrane (in their book “Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches”) in the context of political science in Canada: Clusters of people who share basic political values and attitudes based on common regional, ethnic, class, or other characteristics.


See Also

  • Politics
  • Political Science

Supplementation of Award

Supplementation of Award in Canada

Determination and Allocation of Arbitration Costs Correction, Interpretation or Supplementation of Award in Arbitration Rules

In relation to arbitration rules and, more specifically, to Arbitral Decisions/Awards in the arbitration law of Canada, the following is an overview of determination and allocation of arbitration costs correction, interpretation or supplementation of award.